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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2019

Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Meijer shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Meijer shirt And your comment is totally off-topic and irrelevant to the OP! But this is what we have come to expect from the Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Meijer shirt uneducated that Trump loves. Paula Lambert Quinn, you’re silly. Healthcare is something we’re each individually responsible for and women’s issues aren’t worse than men’s. What we should be focusing on is getting hormone-disrupting chemicals out of our food, water, household, and personal care products.

It Chapter Two Characters Friends water reflection shirt

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Buy it:  It Chapter Two Characters Friends water reflection shirt Hawa Ndom No they don't and the numbers are dwindling by the minute. Don't try to conflate KKK members as meaning that they're in the It Chapter Two Characters Friends water reflection shirt majority. Hawa Ndom: Most Americans? Republicans maybe. Trump is no conservative even though he has an 'R' attached to his political affiliation. Hawa Ndom millions? Bwhahahahaha! Dear, Russian trolls don't count for squat in this country. They're ineligible to vote. Like I said, the vast majority of Americans don't support the wall, caging children nor his dick brained policies.

Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Subway shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Subway shirt Diego Danila With all my respect, he is sinking the country, losing all trade deals the US has, and also is the most incapable person to fix an economic crisis. If you love your country, at least, pick another republican, because this guy... is fully useless.  Diego Danila, he is a loser. His daddy knew it. He'd have as much money if he had it invested properly, he bankrupts on borrowed money and uses corrupt bankruptcy laws to screw everyone. He is playing American like the Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Subway shirt art of the deal. Where he admits to lying, ia win even if a lose. Say it enough they'll believe it. He k this man created a fake employee 'John Barron ' to stir publicity, doesn't care good or bad.

Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Taco Bell shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Taco Bell shirt I think watching paint dry on a wall is more interesting than watching one of Donald Dumb speeches...or watching cockroaches run around thinking that I have more respect for cockroaches then Donald Dump Trump!  Diego Danila, you must be a millionaire. because if you are not, then there is a grave need for you to re-assess your choices  Diego Danila we'll see come November. If we last that long. If I were a republican I'd be worried - cuz this is America & true Americans follow the  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Taco Bell shirt Constitution, and what it stands for. As it is, Trump should be impeached on emolument breach alone. Plus all the other inhumane and socially destructive antics he calls business deals & let's not forget his environmental irresponsibilities. He will go down in history as the worst president of these United States.

Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Progressive shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Progressive shirt Let’s be winners too and keep this economy roaring along. You’ve done a tremendous job that last 2 1/2 years and America gives you a heartfelt thank you President Trump for all you’ve done for us. As long as we allow him to keep America First we won’t have to worry about being second. God bless America and God bless President Trump.  Diego Danila, I’m a Republican and I don’t agree with you and true rest of the Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Progressive shirt trump Aholes. He’s a racist piece of trash loser. How many companies did he bankrupt?

Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Panda Express shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Panda Express shirt Yes, CNN must divert you away from the daily lying of Chris Cillizza, Don Lemon, Fredo Cuomo, Anderson Cooper, Brian Stelter, Ana Navarro, April Ryan and their lunatic panels of daily lying whacked out contributors. They’ve all lied to America with the Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Panda Express shirt Russian hoax, the Racist hoax, the Recession hoax, now they’re fixated on “lying”. Now add “Lying Andy” to the CNN crew. It’s just so rich, isn’t it? (Watch Comey come on board now.

Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Menards shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Menards shirt Top fan badges are basically given to people following certain pages who comment TOO MUCH. It basically means you don’t get laid often and spend the  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at Menards shirt time you could be getting laid on facebook commenting on stories And being of Jewish descendant my risk is higher. Not everyone is the same. Progestin can play a big part in some cancers. I can not take it, maybe why I am cancer negative. Good Luck Ladies.

Team Horror Face shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror Face shirt A truly great leader and role model. President Trump has delivered on his promises to the American people. The wall is getting built, the people are united and the Team Horror Face shirt racial hate, that Obama was spreading, has come to an end. Jobs and fair trade policies have made the US a powerhouse of democracy and freedom again. Keeping illegals out of the US is an election pledge being honored. Future generations will be inspired by President Trump’s leadership. It’s America first for the next 5 years!

Stop euthanasia on shelter dogs and cats shirt

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Buy it:  Stop euthanasia on shelter dogs and cats shirt The problem is that every med that people take eventually ends up in the water supply, so we're all taking them as well, whether we want them or not. That's why rates of cancer and other ailments are rising exponentially. You know it makes me wonder...about many products out on the market...they stay around for years and years and years...and make zillions of dollars for their companies...and then one day you casually read that these so-called wonder drugs are the Stop euthanasia on shelter dogs and cats shirt most dangerous drugs on earth...responsible for 100 million deaths a year and permanently leave people completely brain dead..they can now say this..because RESEARCH has done on 50,000 people in Nigeria...came to these devastating conclusions....my question is....didn't they pick this danger up...sooner...like before the deaths of half a million people...that's all I'm asking

Qui a le droit patrick bruel signature shirt

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Buy it:  Qui a le droit patrick bruel signature shirt Oops! , I guess after all the stew Cnn made about the storm hitting Puerto Rico, they forgot to mention that the Hurricane Bypassed Puerto Rico... Bet that had to be a bummer, for all those Trump heaters...You must not understand the Qui a le droit patrick bruel signature shirt satire in my original post, Adam William, but it's okay - you can call me dumb it doesn't affect me. I've been on internet threads for almost 20 years - try harder God Bless and protect President Trump, Thank you Lord for a President willing to make the best decisions for our country and our families. It is just great to know Trump got our backs...And we got his.

Aaron Judge New York Yankees 99 Home run shirt

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Buy it:  Aaron Judge New York Yankees 99 Home run shirt Fake news!! It's really sad the lengths liberals will go to. People buying generators and fans and water just to fake a hurricane on Labor day to make our great president look bad. They are going to set up thousands of fans, point them all the same way, and dump water into the Aaron Judge New York Yankees 99 Home run shirt fan wind!! They are even going to fake storm damage! NASA isn't real people!! CNN is fake!! I saw it all on Fox and online!! Trump didn't mean that he wants to nuke hurricanes. He wants to nuke the leftist in Florida!

Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at The Co-op shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at The Co-op shirt I remember seeing those as a child. Unforgettable experience! Too bad Green Bay Packer fans get to enjoy them too. They’re just awful people. Skol Vikings! I hope people are safe, BUT since its heading there anyway then Dorian might as well take out Mar-A-Lago. I'll even fly down there in the aftermath and throw some paper towels to the Team Horror we used to smile and the we worked at The Co-op shirt ones in need. Lord, let the storm only take mar o logo with trump in it. We're willing to sacrifice him for the safety of everyone else. Thank you in advance. Can I get an amen??

In a world full of Kardashians be a Mortician shirt

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Buy it:  In a world full of Kardashians be a Mortician shirt  First and foremost Ludmya Bordeaux (aka Mia Love) need to embrace her Haitian heritage and stop pretending to be someone she is not... As a Democrat, I will vote for this guy Walsh he has classic dignity and he has respect for all Americans... Trump is the In a world full of Kardashians be a Mortician shirt worst president ever to be in office I can't wait to his terms is up and get a real president I can't post the picture of his tweet on this. But he has said it numerous times. Specifically on radio and got banned for it before

Halloween T rex trick Rawr treat shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween T rex trick Rawr treat shirt The republican party can no longer claim that they are the conservative party, so that reason is no longer valid, they are not economically conservative, they are not the Halloween T rex trick Rawr treat shirt party of moral values, the can't claim they are Christians while putting babies in cages and separate them from their mothers, and the latest is the gave notice to those who are sick and need medical attention that their country can't provide 33 day notice to leave the country or get deported, why would any human being be part of this new Republican Party is beyond my comprehension especially a person of color !

Halloween Snoopy great pumpkin believer since 1966 shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween Snoopy great pumpkin believer since 1966 shirt Joy Jenkins Really? How many funerals of prisoners are you used to seeing? It's not like it would be some star-studded event. If you think there's a conspiracy, you're dumb. Trump would love nothing more than to pin this on someone and the AG is no friend to the Halloween Snoopy great pumpkin believer since 1966 shirt Dems.  Joy Jenkins why do we care?? He was a disgusting human being and ruined a lot of females lives. Maybe he was cremated A lot of prisoners die and DONT has family or money. This isn't the case here. Epstein should have ppl who loved him.

Halloween town salem ma transyl vania shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween town salem ma transyl vania shirt Kevin Wright no I don't deny there is white on white crime but white folks not having shootings in their Halloween town salem ma transyl vania shirt communities EVERY night. They are not losing thousands of young white men to illegal gang violence in their communities. White on white crime is not my problem. When I venture into any urban city it's not white folks in worried about. When I hear if carjackings and home invasions it ain't gangs of white folks in worried about.  Do you deny there's white on white crime in this country or are you blind that "black on black" crime as used by people like Walsh is trolling racially?

Mickey Mouse Head Disneyland Halloween Shirt

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Buy it:  Mickey Mouse Head Disneyland Halloween Shirt  Notice that the accusers only talk about Epstein. Not one victim has mentioned anyone else screwing them on Pedo Island! This is pure BS melodrama to appease the Mickey Mouse Head Disneyland Halloween Shirt masses! Blame the dead guy! That will do it! Donavin Hawker, I have never heard a report that would equal thousands. That sounds like your narrative.  I don't think they'll get their day of Justice not until people like Alan Dershowitz are handcuffed and brought to Justice stop protecting the rapists and pedophiles CNN

Halloween Zombie fun run 5k chase race save the brains shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween Zombie fun run 5k chase race save the brains shirt Colm Cronin, it’ll be nice if u don’t use Gods name!! Coz it’s an insult to real Christians like myself it wasn’t through God’s blessings that Trump slept with a pornstar, neither Halloween Zombie fun run 5k chase race save the brains shirt was it when he insulted a journalist with disabilities and neither was it when he consistently lies so please you think it’s probably funny but it really isn’t u can ignorantly be placing a curse on yourself so I’d advise you to say anything you want about trump just don’t include our “Lord God in it”

Donna and the dynamos vintage shirt

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Buy it:  Donna and the dynamos vintage shirt So all you that keep saying vote blue is ok with Socialism? Because that’s what you’ll get with democrats now. So tell me your favorite thing about socialism. Convince me of its virtues. I can tell you 3 things about it you won’t like. Everyone has to be productive, you don’t work or produce then you don’t eat. The only people exempt are the Donna and the dynamos vintage shirt elderly, disabled and little children. Disability designation is difficult to get by the way. School is a privilege and there’s testing at various levels so not everyone makes it to high school or college. There will be a lot of Jr. High educated people out there. When school ends you must work. You don’t get private property. Those are a fact of true socialism.

Pennywise Jason Leatherface Freddy Krueger The Horror walking road shirt

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Buy it:  Pennywise Jason Leatherface Freddy Krueger The Horror walking road shirt Stephen Kennedy compensate the victims from which source? The perpetrator is dead. You can't find him guilty again. A true judge should dismiss the Pennywise Jason Leatherface Freddy Krueger The Horror walking road shirt case unless the dead man wrote down a confession or unless the American justice system is a sham. Once an accused is not alive to defend himself, the case cannot proceed Maybe they should name who they were all with, to shed some light on it all. I'm sure they know who some of these so-called important people are, that were to have ties.

Team Horror make Halloween great again shirt

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Buy it:  Team Horror make Halloween great again shirt  There's only justice in this world when the accused is alive. All this drama after his death cannot deliver justice. You can't sentence a dead man. I feel for the Team Horror make Halloween great again shirt victims' pain but there's no point in wasting the money and the court systems. Maybe they should name who they were all with, to shed some light on it all. I'm sure they know who some of these so-called important people are, that were to have ties. The truth is always worth it. There is also the issue of compensation. And I want every one of his child-raping clients jailed.

Skull Wonder woman sorry I have to walk my Unicorn shirt

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Buy it:  Skull Wonder woman sorry I have to walk my Unicorn shirt They are whole. Don’t be so dramatic. Victims turn into victimizers if you’re not careful. And before anyone carries on, I’ve experienced EXTREME abuse, and we must all move on. Not “survive”, but move through it. So they Skull Wonder woman sorry I have to walk my Unicorn shirt can speak up, that’s great, but don’t stick them with drama that makes them stuck.  All of this is Kabuki theater. Absolutely all of it. Once Epstein "conveniently killed“ himself this whole case has been thrown into turmoil. Everything now it's just lip service with no action. They going to pretend that they're going to do something but nothing is going to happen from it. Similar to Weinstein and Spacey...

Michael Myers and Jason Evil Never Die shirt

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Buy it:  Michael Myers and Jason Evil Never Die shirt Federal Government Grant was in collaboration with Facebook Promotion. It's a Federal Global Economic Grant. We embarked on a worldwide promotion for Deaf, Hearing and Retired Workers. We are Building Career for people that are in Michael Myers and Jason Evil Never Die shirt need, it will never affect any money you get from work or your government. It free and you don't have to pay it back in any way\ This promotion was made to provide benefit for everyone in need of money for bills, buying a home, starting a business, going to school, or even help in raising your children

Halloween Jason lake hair don_t care shirt

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Buy it:  Halloween Jason lake hair don_t care shirt Scott Anthony Trump is the only one willing to kill this man he threatened him and many others to get him off those charges or else he would tell all trump and him were good friends remember he knew a lot of bad shot about Trump Trump is the Halloween Jason lake hair don_t care shirt only guilty one cuz he knows he will not get another reelection He gone, long gone. A guy that rich obviously has connections on the wrong side of the law. Guaranteed he faked his death  I would

I’m going to kill you on behalf of the mom Sail or Moon water ICE Moon shirt

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Buy it:  I’m going to kill you on behalf of the mom Sail or Moon water ICE Moon shirt Anita Garner - the country spent more on the Republican’s witch hunts AND received more back from seizures from Manafort. Keep trolling and spewing propaganda like the good little cult45 sheep that you are Anita Garner talk about money being wasted, how about the I’m going to kill you on behalf of the mom Sail or Moon water ICE Moon shirt money spent on trumps golf trips every week. Also, the money spent on his family when they take trips.

A whole lot of sass and a whole lot of ass shirt

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Buy it:  A whole lot of sass and a whole lot of ass shirt Trump and his supporters may deny collusion. But given that the attack continues, denying it is collusion, distracting from it is collusion, obstructing the A whole lot of sass and a whole lot of ass shirt investigation of it is collusion because all these things enable it to go on. If it seems strange to you that these days Democrats are sounding patriotic while Republicans aren’t, you just weren’t paying attention. The people who now seem to love America always did; the people who suddenly no longer sound like patriots never was.

Carli Lloyd Shirt Kick Like Carli USWNT shirt

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Buy it:  Carli Lloyd Shirt Kick Like Carli USWNT shirt The president and his supporters our abetted in his aid for the Russians again, in the midst of this ongoing attack by the Republican Party make the situation all the Carli Lloyd Shirt Kick Like Carli USWNT shirt more extraordinary and dangerous. As they sought to undermine the investigation, they served Russia as directly as if they were officers of the GRU.  In the whole Cold War, the Russians were not able to do what Putin has done through Donald Trump to destabilize the U.S. and its Democratic institutions and alliance

Kindergarten Class Of 2032 shirt

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Buy it:  Kindergarten Class Of 2032 shirt The first volume of the report by the Special Council details how Trump and his allies solicited, encouraged, accepted and benefited from the assistance provided by America's most storied foreign adversary as part of a multi-front assault on American democracy. What is unconscionable are those who support and approve of conspiring with an adversarial government to subvert the Kindergarten Class Of 2032 shirt American electoral process. By their actions and support, they as guilty as the trump of Collusion and treason.

Lunch Pail Forever Blacksburg Football shirt

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Buy it:  Lunch Pail Forever Blacksburg Football shirt Diane Dahlhouser Wisman sure because Fox said so. oh, I think the past 2 liars Sandra and Sean are working there..funny how that works. What is of great concern to the Lunch Pail Forever Blacksburg Football shirt security of the nation is for a President and his Supporters to embrace a foreign strongman who is a hostile aggressor toward the United States The idea that a president of the United States would willingly take the help of a hostile foreign power to get himself elected ... that should be enough for the Republicans on impeachment. ... Shockingly, they don't care.

Chucky we’re friends till the end Remember shirt

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Buy it:  Chucky we’re friends till the end Remember shirt Diane Fay Taulbee, he also promised to eliminate the Chucky we’re friends till the end Remember shirt national debt because only he understood debt. He pulls that off and I'll concede he is the chosen one. Michael Mundy still facts are facts, the trade deficit is at an all-time high, National debt up, no wall, no factory came back, GDP growth lower than Obama years, and we still waiting for that news about Hilary Clinton

Education is important but welding is importanter shirt

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Buy it:  Education is important but welding is importanter shirt Nikki Yannikos sorry it is the democrats that don't care. They are the  Education is important but welding is importanter shirt one calling for free gifts and excessive foreigner spendings like massive foreign holidays tours and unfruitful grants. Sure. First, it was collusion, collusion, collusion. Then racist, racist, racist. Now it's a recession, recession, recession. Americans have caught on to you frauds!! Mike Zipprian The House is a step below the Senate. You should research that. And by the way; the House is in total chaos!!!

I Am The Chosen One Donald Trump shirt

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Buy it:  I Am The Chosen One Donald Trump shirt It's all of the Bummer's receipts coming in for all you libtards, who blame Trump, which is why he is ending the Bummer giveaways and handouts. . . . .All those refugees and DACA kids. .add it up...we'really still paying on Bummer charges. . .  Barbara Lee goodness, woman. I know where you hear these things, but could you work a little harder to fact check the I Am The Chosen One Donald Trump shirt propaganda your intake? these myths were debunked long

New York swagger JD Davis MLPA shirt

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Buy it:  New York swagger JD Davis MLPA shirt Justin Kaspar Exactly! Because Dems certainly do not care about the country, God babies, u.s. citizens, just the illegals and communism/socialism Diane Whipple Do you realize that you use GOD and gold in the same sentence? Do you know how GOD feels about those who worship gold? You're a BLASPHEMER...a charlatan.  Barbara Lee lord you still do not understand the New York swagger JD Davis MLPA shirt Republicans stopped them from getting more funding to Benghazi? That is old news, please catch up

The Golden Ghouls shirt

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Buy it:  The Golden Ghouls shirt Yes, a soldiers life matters to republicans but not to democrats! How about Benghazi where Obama and Hillary left them to die and burn up when the The Golden Ghouls shirt soldiers called for help!!! Bummer went to bed so he could lv early for Vegas to attend a fundraiser. Disgusting! Salvador Gonzalez How many college degrees do you have? What have you actually learned? You’ve learned how to listen to people’s who want you to believe what they believe. You’ve learned how to repeat their thoughts and ideas. Sadly you’ve never learned to think for yourself; to look at the facts and figure it all out for yourself. Too bad.

Evanescence 25th Anniversary 1995-2020 Signatures Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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Buy it:  Evanescence 25th Anniversary 1995-2020 Signatures Thank You For The Memories Shirt The GOP doesn't care anymore about being fiscally conservative. They don't care about God. They don't care about their candidate having morals or a brain. They only care about their Gold God Trump. A snowflake was a person who was opposed to the Evanescence 25th Anniversary 1995-2020 Signatures Thank You For The Memories Shirt abolition of slavery. They were called snowflakes because it said that they value white people over black people." Since the term is now being used largely by conservatives, zealous Republicans, and the "alt-right" it's ironic they have re-purposed the term into a pejorative intended to smear liberals, Democrats, social activists and other notable individuals of society who aim to end racism.  

Volkswagen Beetle Chicago White Sox Shirt

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Buy it:  Volkswagen Beetle Chicago White Sox Shirt Time to celebrate the achievements of capitalism. Seriously though this would come after me. What an amazing experience it will be to witness the  Volkswagen Beetle Chicago White Sox Shirt beginning of the extinction of human beings. Let’s leave the tail end of this historical moment to the future generations, especially those who haven’t born yet. Good luck to them all, cos slow and agonizing suffering is the worst way to die. Sokhom Prins Democrats are capitalists too. You should read up on political ideology before embarrassing yourself in public...

I hate morning people Jason Voorhees and mornings and people shirt

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Buy it:  I hate morning people Jason Voorhees and mornings and people shirt Amazon was never protected, and there are companies linked to governments in various countries mining, deforesting and polluting rivers. It has been so for decades. We have to put pressure on him to do better, but without giving power to politicians convicted of corruption. The issue inside Brazil is not Amazon, it is political. Amazon, which covers 2.1 million square miles, is often referred to as the "lungs of the planet": The forest produces 20 percent of the oxygen in our planet's atmosphere. Now, fires in Brazil has been raging for three weeks. The I hate morning people Jason Voorhees and mornings and people shirt typical system in Brazil and in all Amazonian countries is that people cut down trees and then leave the area to dry out for about two or three months before setting it on fire in order to clear the land for agricultural purposes.....President Bolsonaro is often called the "...

Derriere chaque joueur de hockey qui croit en lui il y a une Manan Hockey shirt

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Buy it:  Derriere chaque joueur de hockey qui croit en lui il y a une Manan Hockey shirt and after days of doing this, I began to notice that these ants were catching on, because they’d be waiting for me when I got there, all scattered about, patiently. I noticed this subtle organization and continued my feeding, and observed them as they all took some home with them. I noticed some ants did not get any sugar. As gracious as I could be, I would bring extra sugar the Derriere chaque joueur de hockey qui croit en lui il y a une Manan Hockey shirt following days. There’s a small colony of ants that lives outside of my house and every evening I feed them little grains of sugar. They are extremely grateful for this benevolent act upon their population, and it warms my heart to be able to do something good for this world.

Everybody has addiction mine just happens to be Jason Voorhees shirt

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Buy it: Everybody has addiction mine just happens to be Jason Voorhees shirt here’s a small colony of ants that lives outside of my house and every evening I feed them little grains of sugar. They are extremely grateful for this benevolent act upon their population, and it warms my heart to be able to do something good for this world. I began this routine about two weeks ago, and as the evening began to cool the Everybody has addiction mine just happens to be Jason Voorhees shirt warm pavement, I would journey outside my house and place a small mound of sugar outside the ant hill. Upon initial interaction, a few curious and cautious soldiers ventured out of the hill, only to find my blessing of sugar placed on the ground. They took it back to the colony,

Everybody has addiction mine just happens to be Jason Voorhees Shirt

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Buy it:  Everybody has addiction mine just happens to be Jason Voorhees Shirt How is it when Notre Dam was burning, all those famous people gave millions to rebuild it, but the earth's oxygen is burning up and not a word? Yep. We’re all going to die slow miserable deaths even faster. It’ll be even worse for our children. Grandchildren? Nah. They won’t be a thing. I’ll be surprised if the earth survives for two generations passed my lifespan. This is a major topic at the G7 Summit that begins tomorrow. The  Everybody has addiction mine just happens to be Jason Voorhees Shirt issue requires all nations to work together to save this planet. Our President is such a threat to this country and nation that he will be called to task at the Summit regarding the Paris Climate Accord Agreement and his disregard of Science and reality. What a disgrace we have for a President.

Freddy Krueger Normal people scare me shirt

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Buy it:  Freddy Krueger Normal people scare me shirt Regardless if this is “normal” activity or not, the FACT is that our presence here on earth is killing the earth. We are reproducing faster than we are dying. When I was born there were 5.8 billion people. Now we are 7.7 billion. In 30 years.  Birth rates have been dropping, though. Albeit slowly. And since we keep burning the trees that make oxygen and reduce CO2, the death rate may go up.  This actually could become a serious problem because the Freddy Krueger Normal people scare me shirt Amazon is the lung the world for all intensive purposes could also connect back to eventually change wind directions and even ocean currents this could become really ugly really fast our mother earth is Pretty Tough but it can't take you removing one of its vital organs

Freddy Krueger’s world in dreams you’re mine shirt

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Buy it:  Freddy Krueger’s world in dreams you’re mine shirt Maureen Kendall not a vet..a son of one...but he hasn't been disrespectful yet..he just one those poor grammar and spelling police. Who think they are better than everyone. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. Let's act by donating to causes that fight for our planet. The Rainforest Action Network launched a campaign demanding that Burger King stop importing cheap beef from tropical rainforest areas, and the  Freddy Krueger’s world in dreams you’re mine shirt fast-food chain actually stopped - it canceled $35 million worth of beef contracts. More recently, the organization has targeted candy made from palm oil. We can complain, or take action. This is literally out lives at stake

Halloween Michael Myers God’s busy can I help you shirt

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Buy it: Halloween Michael Myers God’s busy can I help you shirt Stephen Knight ah hell here we go spelling and grammar police....you know normally I set on here and deliberately misspell things or use incorrect grammar; but I'm too tired tonight...but it is fun to see who all gets but hurt, and think they  Halloween Michael Myers God’s busy can I help you shirt are better and brighter than those who can't spell. Or use poor grammar... the thing is it shows how childish they are...but you know what I was saying and if you need it spelled rite to understand it then your just book smart...

I hate morning people Freddy Krueger and mornings and people shirt

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Buy it:  I hate morning people Freddy Krueger and mornings and people shirt Amazon has been destroyed much before. The other presidents before him did the same. I 've been watching the Amazon burn since I was a child, it never stopped. No one ever cared, they started to care now when left-wing politicians are being sentenced to jail for being corrupt. You all blame polluting... wrong mankind is the I hate morning people Freddy Krueger and mornings and people shirt problem..we play God way too much...we cure every disease we can. we create new organs, we have increased life expectancy and we slowed down nature's way of thinking us out...we have overcrowded our planet we are the problem, not pollution...

I hate morning people Michael Myers and mornings and people shirt

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Buy it:  I hate morning people Michael Myers and mornings and people shirt We’re the world, pls together save the Amazon! I have recently watched a BBC program about climate change and it’s painful, that is really alarming if human beings do nothing to protect the environment. Let’s thanks to the I hate morning people Michael Myers and mornings and people shirt Brazilian government for not protect the Amazon and allowed all of this farmers to start this fires to used the land for farming, and all the logger companies that cut those trees like there is no tomorrow. Thank you. You should be happy to have destroyed it, so you people fill your pockets.

Everyday I’m Nifflin Coffee Niffler shirt

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Buy it: Everyday I’m Nifflin Coffee Niffler shirt Dooms Day hysteria. Apocalyptic theories like this have been with humanity all through recorded history. Nothing changes on that chicken little front. Wow! Time to celebrate the achievements of capitalism. Seriously though this would come after me. What an amazing experience it will be to witness the beginning of the extinction of human beings. Let’s leave the Everyday I’m Nifflin Coffee Niffler shirt tail end of this historical moment to the future generations, especially those who haven’t born yet. Good luck to them all, cos slow and agonizing suffering is the worst way to die...

Corellian engineering corporation Falcon modified YT 1300 light freighter shirt

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Buy it: Corellian engineering corporation Falcon modified YT 1300 light freighter shirt  Eduardo Ferreira the fact is humans value money over anything else. We lived a system fuelled by greed, corruption, and dominance, etc, what good can anyone expect from it. Only scientific decisions can change things. Politics, prayers, whatever. Keep trying. Nothing will change.  the Corellian engineering corporation Falcon modified YT 1300 light freighter shirt earths human population is three times sustainable levels and there is no climate change law that the US (4% of the human population on earth) can pass that is going to stop folks around the planet from getting their "fair share"

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Buy it: Everybody has an addiction mine just happens to be you Michael Myers shirt  I donated 10 bucks today to one of the many non-profit organizations that protect the rainforest. If everyone gives 1 buck, there's a chance they can do something and help to s not give money to organizations related to Brazilian politicians without being sure what they are doing.  Our glaciers are melting, the Everybody has an addiction mine just happens to be you Michael Myers shirt forest is burning and extreme record weather across the globe. How can people still value money more than life? Your money will do nothing in the end. We are in crisis and need more than thoughts and prayers. I fear for the sad world if any left behind to our children.

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