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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2020

xonershirt- Star Spangled Hammered Shirt

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Buy it:  Star Spangled Hammered Shirt I have worked at or run our city food pantry since Star Spangled Hammered Shirt 1985. Rent due has been delayed by at least one month in every case I have seen. No utilities will be shut off. Unemployed get $600 more a week, and that means most of them are making more than ever. Hopefully, some of them will have the foresight to save that bonus to pay off their bills at the end of July. I know 3 that don't want to go back to work until then. Oh, my. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Star Wars Baby Yoda Hug Tyson Covid 19 Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt

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Buy it:  Star Wars Baby Yoda Hug Tyson Covid 19 Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt Yeah. Ignore innocent people being murdered, people Star Wars Baby Yoda Hug Tyson Covid 19 Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt having rent due and no money, children going hungry- you know, what is happening in the country that he has failed to lead. Every single school for miles around hands out packages of two meals a day. There are food give aways at every church. Pantries are handing out lawn carts filled with groceries and meat, and the Salvation Army and Family Missions are providing groceries and produce constantly. I have never seen anything like it, and From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Supportive Loving Swag Strong Black Father Hard Working Shirt

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Buy it:  Supportive Loving Swag Strong Black Father Hard Working Shirt not sure about smarter... intelligence is not directly Supportive Loving Swag Strong Black Father Hard Working Shirt related to how caring and humane someone is. But 100% sure about being less hateful, spiteful, hypocritical and dishonest. we could say the same thing about all of the people that blindly follow the completely corrupt Democratic Party .. idk how people don’t see that They don’t care about us. It’s all about their pockets yet people are completely ignorant to what is going on. It is pathetic to blame Trump for this but then again.... the media and Democratic Party have you all brainwashed. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Too Cool For British Rule George Washington Shirt

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Buy it:  Too Cool For British Rule George Washington Shirt .impeachment..to try to bring down a president..all Too Cool For British Rule George Washington Shirt proven lies..if u still believe them youre a fool..by the way..trump has done more for this country in three yrs then any other president..look that u Anyone who stands with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer needs their head examined. They are trying to destroy this country From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Weed Limit 420 Shirt

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Buy it:  Weed Limit 420 Shirt Trump know that there millions of willingly  Weed Limit 420 Shirt  ignorant people that believe anything he says. Folks that are afraid to, don't have the intellect to understand or can't read well enough to look up the facts. However you feel about Trump's Twitter Tantrum Order, look at how quickly he acted on that and how slowly he acted on Coronavirus. I think that pretty much encapsulates the entirety of what and who he cares about. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Adventure Awaits Appalachian Trail Camping Shirt

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Buy it:  Adventure Awaits Appalachian Trail Camping Shirt no nasty national socialist Democrat nazi party plantation Adventure Awaits Appalachian Trail Camping Shirt antifacts diaperbabies opinion matters to we Americans as you are simply a member of a coastal party of irrelevance.  all hail the nasty national socialist Democrat nazi party plantation of hate, division, and envy... and its ignorant antifacts diaperbabies. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Dad Exotic Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  Dad Exotic Vintage Shirt I think many of them are trolls or bots. I have Dad Exotic Vintage Shirt caught one that keeps posting the exact same thing, under different names, verbatim, including a prominent typo every time! I think they are given scripts and just paste them into the comments, perhaps without even knowing what they mean! I’d vote for a tuna fish sandwich before I’d vote for Donald Trump again,” said Jack Spielman, who voted for Trump in 2016 but now calls him “toxic.” From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- George Floyd Justice For Floyd Shirt

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Buy it:  George Floyd Justice For Floyd Shirt saying a Trump supporter is a "bad person" is too kind. George Floyd Justice For Floyd Shirt Trump supporters are a sick segment of our society that we would be far better off as a country without. They are the true enemies of America. another Washington Socialist who thinks he knows what is what in the political world. Yet you allow yourself to be ruled by a Socialist agenda courtesy of your current Socialist Democratic leadership in yours and other blue states. But I guess that you think a Socialist Authoritarian government is what's best for our country. You really should keep your stones to yourself. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- I Can’t Breathe Justice For Floyd Shirt

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Buy it:  I Can’t Breathe Justice For Floyd Shirt Anyone saying they love the president or thank god, or praying for this person immediately is a bad person in my mind. There is no I Can’t Breathe Justice For Floyd Shirt way to continue to support this person in good Conscience absolutely! I cannot imagine anyone still defending this awful, evil, vile excuse for a human being without them being terrible people themselves - no decent person would claim to be pro Trump. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- I Can’t Breathe Shirt

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Buy it:  I Can’t Breathe Shirt obviously you don’t mind being lied to, and  I Can’t Breathe Shirt so are the 43% of Americans, which is very sad and frightening. It is so obvious that Trump is not Christian, he is high jacking religion with a bible wrapped in a flag. His idols are Hitler, Putin, Kim Jong un.  omg dude you got your own money back you’ve paid to the government and I’m sure their gonna want it back at some point! Wake up! Your being played by tRump lies! From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- I Just Want To Get High And Jerk My Rod Shirt

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Buy it:   I Just Want To Get High And Jerk My Rod Shirt Trump did more for this country than any other since I Just Want To Get High And Jerk My Rod Shirt reagan.obama is the one that started the race division and law enforcement hating.ifbysll can't really see what's been going on with the Democrats trying to tear him and this great nation down just because he is not a politician and exposing them for making their millions off the American people,,if you cannot see that ,,then you are part of the problem and stupid Kool Aid drinker From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- I Teel Rad Dad Jokes Shirt

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Buy it:   I Teel Rad Dad Jokes Shirt We don't want the nation to fail any worse than it already I Teel Rad Dad Jokes Shirt has of late, which is why we're desperately trying to get rid of Trump and restore some dignity to the White House!!! Olivia Haynes, I enclosed the link. Why don't you hang out with those white supremacists and tell me how you do in a month? Get your head out of sniff jar. Wake up! Someone been telling you lies. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- I Tell Dad Jokes Periodically T-Shirt

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Buy it:  I Tell Dad Jokes Periodically T-Shirt Thank you President Trump! Continue standing strong I Tell Dad Jokes Periodically T-Shirt against all the evils, both foreign and here! You are the best one to get done all that has needed to be done for years! Thank you for caring and putting America first!   Anyone saying they love the president or thank god, or praying for this person immediately is a bad person in my mind. There is no way to continue to support this person in good Conscience From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- I’m A Book Dragon Not A Worm Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  I’m A Book Dragon Not A Worm Vintage Shirt If y'all would watch fox news,, I’m A Book Dragon Not A Worm Vintage Shirt  specifically Tucker Carlson and Hannity you would know the truth.they show what the fake news or dems said years ago and what they say now.and all truth.go back to your Kool Aid  sorry. He is American President. I can sympathize with you. Civil disobedience is the only option. No government can survive the determination of the people. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- I’m The Best Step Dad Because I Still Wanted These Crazy Kids Even After I Met Them Shirt

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Buy it:  I’m The Best Step Dad Because I Still Wanted These Crazy Kids Even After I Met Them Shirt I'm sorry for what's happening in Hong Kong! A I’m The Best Step Dad Because I Still Wanted These Crazy Kids Even After I Met Them Shirt decent president would at least speak out in the name of democracy! Unfortunately, Trump isn't decent in any respect, and I sadly doubt he will do or say anything about it unless it directly profits him. if profit is involved you can bet the Democrats will have their paws reaching for it as Biden already has.Trump don't need their money . From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- I’m Your Father Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  I’m Your Father Vintage Shirt In all fairness, President Trump did a lot of great things, but it was too impulsive to deal with emergencies. He did not consider that his shooting  I’m Your Father Vintage Shirt  order would also provoke great side effects, too impulsive! The improper handling of this matter has made him re-elected. I have been a big fan of President Trump until today, but today his shooting order has completely changed my view of him. I will not support him anymore! On the contrary, Secretary of State Peng Pei'ao has rich experience, both the West Point Military Academy and the CIA's rich experience are absolutely high level and high quality! Pompeo should run for president! Pence is also good, but Pempeo has shown that he has enough ability to lead the country. God bless America From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Murder Hobo Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  Murder Hobo Vintage Shirt I don’t know what planet you live on but, President  Murder Hobo Vintage Shirt  Trump has done more for this Country in his time in office sense President Reagan. Please do your own research and don’t blindly believe CNN, and the other fake networks.  since you have terminated your relationship from OUR president. You need to go live in China. That way you can be happy.  I for one is voting for Trump. I don't know where you get we the people you don't speak for me thank you very much. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Rest In Power George Floyd Shirt

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Buy it:  Rest In Power George Floyd Shirt And we the people are terminating our relationship with you who acts at the behest of Russia, Saudi Arabia and others. You are the enemy Rest In Power George Floyd Shirt of the people and of anything good, honorable or decent. you call yourself sane?? Maybe insane. Yep your demonic lifestyle choice definitely says your not right in the mind. Given over to a depraved mind. Men committing indecent acts with other men, and had received in themselves their due penalty for their perversion. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. Although they know God’s righteous agree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. Not my words those are straight from God From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Somewhere Between Proverbs 31 And Madea There_s Me Shirt

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Buy it:  Somewhere Between Proverbs 31 And Madea There_s Me Shirt I don’t need to “prove” anything because he  Somewhere Between Proverbs 31 And Madea There_s Me Shirt thinks too highly of himself everyday. Just look at his tweets, look at how he expressed his words especially in press conferences and Twitter. It’s all around a sad situation Debbie Skomba he got intelligence briefing on the virus since November/December, so why is he blaming WHO. He has been saying, at every rally, straight to early March that Covid was a Democrat hoax. Then he said that it will dwindle away. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Sun’s Out Guns Out Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  Sun’s Out Guns Out Vintage Shirt somehow I don't think you're joking. Who's Sun’s Out Guns Out Vintage Shirt bored and wants to expose this..not that it will make any impression on his koolaid minions. They are well and truly brainwashed and will only cry "fake news..fake news" You just can't fix stupid   Not joking in the slightest. Check it out for yourself. They rent thousands of accounts, make posts in barely understandable English, then From: shop funny shirt 

xonershirt- Warning I Am A Big Fan Of Dolphins And Proud Of It Shirt

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Buy it:    Warning I Am A Big Fan Of Dolphins And Proud Of It Shirt It’s sort of true. Health insurances rates for a family plan in the state of New York increased 150% just after the signing of the ACA. For 20 years  Warning I Am A Big Fan Of Dolphins And Proud Of It Shirt prior there were no major increases other than cost of living fluctuations. It’s trickle down math. The doers always pay for the gimmes. Melissa Ashcroft you are right! Start screaming take action, join together as a force to make people aware of your plight! (and I know for a fact that you have, but still not effective enough!) People are NOT aware of it! Type 1 Diabetes, Youth Diabetes’s!   From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Donald Trump Don Drunk Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:    Donald Trump Don Drunk Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt unbelievable. It’s my understanding Donald Trump Don Drunk Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt , insulin isn’t a costly medicine to make. I couldn’t believe how much money they are charging for this. I honestly don’t know how the owners of these drug companies sleep at night.  why did Obama and every other president before him let it get so high? Everyone crying he isn't doing enough for the seniors when he obviously is and you're still complaining From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Master Yoda Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt

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Buy it:  Master Yoda Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt  I have heard him numerous times say how sad it was that so many lives have been lost when he was having the daily news updates,  Master Yoda Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt  and since then. You must watch CNN ; that’s what they would say.  he is a nonsens incompetent ignorant selfish and lies in every possible way. I hope for America to get a President which the world can respec From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Michael Bolton 45th Anniversary 1975 2020 Signature Shirt

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Buy it:    Michael Bolton 45th Anniversary 1975 2020 Signature Shirt   Merv Lamb Give it a rest. I never heard Obama comfort the over 20,000 that died from H1N1. Trump was speaking to the  Michael Bolton 45th Anniversary 1975 2020 Signature Shirt  public everyday but you mfers didn’t want to hear it so stfu President Trump shows great compassion for all lose of life but I guess those glued to CNN and the like would not know that. The blood of the 100000 lives lost and the lose of life ar From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Motor Harley Davidson Cycles Dolly Parton Signature Shirt

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Buy it:  Motor Harley Davidson Cycles Dolly Parton Signature Shirt  deaths and not a word of sorrow from the Motor Harley Davidson Cycles Dolly Parton Signature Shirt President. Ignoring it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Any President at sad times in history would have spoken to the people to offer words of comfort and encouragement to the families and people.   Where have you been? Daily for weeks President Trump came out told the status of the virus. I've heard him repeatedly say ONE death was too many. How sorry he was that it happened! From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Peace Love Darks Side Shirt

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Buy it:   Peace Love Darks Side Shirt was simply pointing out to her, and Peace Love Darks Side Shirt really anyone that insulin should not be a different price for her child. And yes Trump has an eye, well both eyes on his election now. Needs senior's votes. So he made big public stmt abt this for Seniors. Insulin should be affordable for all. It took 4 yrs for him to get this, you'd think he'd include anyone who needs insulin. Now, if that makes me,.. a what was it "the karen triggered" well, so be it! From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Official The Mandalorian And Baby Yoda The Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt

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Buy it:  Official The Mandalorian And Baby Yoda The Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt He’s trying. Fixing Democrats’ screw ups isn’t easy especially when they continue to work against him. deaths and not a word of sorrow from the  Official The Mandalorian And Baby Yoda The Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt  President. Ignoring it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Any President at sad times in history would have spoken to the people to offer words of comfort and encouragement to the families and people. He did put them on the chairs they deserve. Due to their own actions before. No shame. Just blame on them from here. From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Phlebotomy Where People Saying Are You In Yet And I Didn’t Even Feel It Is A Good Thing Shirt

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Buy it:    Phlebotomy Where People Saying Are You In Yet And I Didn’t Even Feel It Is A Good Thing Shirt I listened to him 3 times and I understood it was insulin cost Phlebotomy Where People Saying Are You In Yet And I Didn’t Even Feel It Is A Good Thing Shirt period. The only thing I did not hear mentioned for Medicare was the gap where those of us in Medicare have to pay astronomical prices until we have paid around out of pocket. My insulin is 285.00 a month my copay period because I am allergic to an ingredient in both humalin and humolog plus 2 other types. We finally have one that has worked for over a year without reactions but it is horribly expensive From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- The Last Dance 23 Michael Jordan 1984 1998 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

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Buy it:    The Last Dance 23 Michael Jordan 1984 1998 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt you better believe we are angry at Trump and Republicans. Angry The Last Dance 23 Michael Jordan 1984 1998 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt enough to fight like hell to get them ALL out of office. You better believe it. I’m so sick of trump and his constant bragging and lying. And it is energizing! health insurance because I had a JOB. I worked every day and paid for it myself. Obamacare passed and my premiums increased by 446%. Take your mandate and stuff it. From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Proud To Be The Elephant In The Room American Flag Shirt

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Buy it:  Proud To Be The Elephant In The Room American Flag Shirt Obamacare was and is a disaster to those of us who work. With the exception of state and federal employees, many of who still have deductible Proud To Be The Elephant In The Room American Flag Shirt plans. If they too had to pay the same premiums, high deductibles  and out of pocket limit, they would be against Obamacare and would never vote democratic again. Idiots. Most don’t have a clue what it did to the working class. From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- The Mandalorian And Baby Yoda The Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt

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Buy it:    The Mandalorian And Baby Yoda The Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt  as opposed to all the loving kindness of Trumpies at Trump rallies?  The Mandalorian And Baby Yoda The Best Dad In The Galaxy Shirt Yeah, sorry, but your actions and his actions have cancelled out all of your blithering that you actually think things like Jesus, life, and hard work matter. Trump built an entire platform on hating others, and you ate up the rampant cruelty with a big spoon From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- The Wolf Inside Me Shirt

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Buy it:    The Wolf Inside Me Shirt Keep your plan keep your doctor your premiums won’t go up The Wolf Inside Me Shirt we didn’t use the IRS to punish conservative groups we didn’t spy on the opposition party Benghazi was caused by a video. Cathy,  Thankful? Police killing citizens as sport, greed keeping people poor and powerless, gun violence non stop.. I could go on. From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Unicorns In A World Full Of Daddy Sharks Be A Daddycorn Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  Unicorns In A World Full Of Daddy Sharks Be A Daddycorn Vintage Shirt Then we need universal healthcare. Literally every other so-called "first Unicorns In A World Full Of Daddy Sharks Be A Daddycorn Vintage Shirt world" nation has it. If we are supposedly so rich and powerful, why can't we provide basics like healthcare and education for our citizens and make our country even stronger?  i trump had dementia, dumbocrats eould have insusted he be removed. Like you tried when he was running for president against Hilary. Peoblem is, hes nit sick, so your TDS didnt eork. From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- United States Marine Corps Dad Shirt

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Buy it:     United States Marine Corps Dad Shirt Shouldnt just be for seniors there are alot people that struggle with the United States Marine Corps Dad Shirt cost some pay over 600 on insulin a month that's not including the suppliers thats after insurance that is their deductible every month and on top of it they have lost their jobs  did you forget that you guys have been destroying ACA from the beginning, and Trump ran on a platform of gutting it? From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- ABE Drinkin Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:    ABE Drinkin Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt What you may wish to investigate is why the same insulin is so ABE Drinkin Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt much more affordable in countries such as Canada. The cost of birth control pills in Canada are three times less than in the US.for the exact same pills, manufactured in the pricing on a newer product. I don’t know where the fair profitable but not greedy pricing line is but the original comparison is unrealistic From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- All I Need Is This Book And That Other Books And Those Books Over There Shirt

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Buy it:    All I Need Is This Book And That Other Books And Those Books Over There Shirt How much was a gallon of milk in the 1970s? Or gasoline? Inflation does happen. Today’s insulin that’s so expensive isn’t the insulin of the 1970s,  All I Need Is This Book And That Other Books And Those Books Over There Shirt  it’s new and improved. The Novolin insulin is still inexpensive, though with inflation more than the $6 you’re quoting. And some of those bottles of insulin are as of right now the same cost they were back in the mid 80's. It's called Wal Mart. Novolin is a top brand name for insulin and the R and N versions cost only From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Andrew Johnson Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:    Andrew Johnson Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt Insulin was only $3 to $6 a bottle back in the 1970s. Prices today Andrew Johnson Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt are outrageous and insulin manufacturers should be reprimanded and punished for ripping off innocent Americans! Also for the cost of transplant immunosuppressnts! A dog on the medication I take can take it for about 1/100 of what my insurance pays! This is nuts! From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Baby Yoda Bes Dad In The World You Are Shirt

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Buy it:     Baby Yoda Bes Dad In The World You Are Shirt I can't believe that some binary options/ forex trading Trading account manager is still legit in this group, not until I saw testimonies of how Mr Baby Yoda Bes Dad In The World You Are Shirt James probo has helped people to recover their losses. I basically thought that it was a scam until I decided to give it a try with just a little start-up of $200 and I got $2,000 within 24 hours of investment,it was so amazing and everything works out as those people have said and now I still come back to testify about him From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Barack Obama Barack Oblah Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:    Barack Obama Barack Oblah Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt  such a good point! I too share your thoughts as diabetics remain Barack Obama Barack Oblah Drink Beer The 4th 4th Of July Vintage Shirt one of the largest group of “diseases” people who get the least amount of assistance. All diseases suck but insulin is one of the most overpriced cost prohibitive monopolized drug and one which no fault of the card holding diabetic member, did nothing to acquire this hateful reality. There is no cure for Type 1 diabetes. It is an autoimmune disease which has no cure. Diet and exercise have nothing to do with it. Insulin is needed to survive. Completely different than Type From: shop funny shirt

xonershirt- Master Yoda And Baby Yoda Best Dad Ever Vintage Shirt

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Buy it:  Master Yoda And Baby Yoda Best Dad Ever Vintage Shirt I am a 68 year old supporter and wanted to reach out to Master Yoda And Baby Yoda Best Dad Ever Vintage Shirt you with a suggestion. Please consider doing away with charging income tax on our Social Security. We paid plenty of tax when we earned our pay checks and now we have to turn around and pay again. Only the democrats and the media have brought up SS, our President never has mentioned it. You are listening to fake news. Sincerely, From:  shop funny shirt

xonershirt - The Muppet Show Animal Playing Drum Paiste Cymbals Sound Gongs Shirt

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Buy it:  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Drum Paiste Cymbals Sound Gongs Shirt  and where do you get that cnn lady he’s got a permanent black lady living rent free in he hotel and he was the first person to allow blacks in his Mar  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Drum Paiste Cymbals Sound Gongs Shirt  Lar Go so you need to get your facts before you spout off with lies!  I agree! No matter what he says or does they gotta find fault. If trump finds a cure or vaccine then they’ll say he’s taking away their right to die of thee virus... so sick of these people From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - The Muppet Show Animal Playing Drum Sabian Shirt

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Buy it:  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Drum Sabian Shirt well they could take the malaria drug. Would save a lot of lives. And dont even say a word about side affects. Ive taken it for over three months before. Three The Muppet Show Animal Playing Drum Sabian Shirt hundred mlgs. I weigh 110. All meds have side affects. Never hurt me at that high of a dose. Nobody has made such claims. The flue and other diseases of course - as you may want to say - also kill thousands of people every year. One can calculate the average deaths for a specific month and clearly see the explosive increase since Covid-19 got grip on our country. Seeing tens of thousands of my fellow Americans die makes my heart cry tears of blood. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - The Muppet Show Animal Playing Gretsch Drums Shirt

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Buy it:  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Gretsch Drums Shirt first of all, have you stopped doing everything because of the The Muppet Show Animal Playing Gretsch Drums Shirt pandemic? No you haven’t so don’t lie about it, 2nd of all, he’s not doing anything different than Joe Biden when it comes to asking for support. 3rd of all, it’s not President Trump’s fault because a virus is going around, just like the flu spreading, it cannot be stopped. And these people waiting in lines, I bet you a third of them drive new cars and wish to pick up donated food to feed themselves and their families so they could have more money elsewhere to spend. I’m sure there are a few that might need them and they are hungry, but I bet you majority are well taken care of. Apparently you don’t know how people are From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - The Muppet Show Animal Playing Ludwig Drums Shirt

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Buy it:  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Ludwig Drums Shirt You must be a thankless democrat to judge our president in  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Ludwig Drums Shirt  this way. Your typing without the evidence that is needed to state your case. President Trump has given more to the American people than any other president in the last Fifty years.  in case you didn’t know, President Trump has been working non stop for us, the American people. obummer sold our country to the devil, served only himself. You need to open your eyes! From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - The Muppet Show Animal Playing Meinl Cymbals Drums Shirt

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Buy it:  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Meinl Cymbals Drums Shirt  you call this failure. Just imagine Hillary in office wright now. The Muppet Show Animal Playing Meinl Cymbals Drums Shirt You and everybody would not be talking. You need a kidney stone and have to go up in the hospital right now. I have experience this Thursday. I am going to have to have surgery Tuesday. You want to take my you forget in 2009 that 1,000 Americans died with the H1 N1 virus before Obama bothered to left a finger to help the American people. AT the end of it all. 100,000 Americans died. I bet you weren't winning then were you now. SO far 89, thousand people have died from the H1N1 virus. Every year 40 to a 100 thousand died every year from viruses. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - The Muppet Show Animal Playing Avedis Zildjian Shirt

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Buy it:  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Avedis Zildjian Shirt Trump filled out food banks and gave you all kinds of help Don't  The Muppet Show Animal Playing Avedis Zildjian Shirt  bit the hand that feeds you fools the thing that's really dangerous in the truth that   I love all the whining and gnashing of teeth about wearing a mask. He is literally surrounded by and meeting with doctors every day. Real doctors, not like those of you that got your degrees from Facebook University. From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - The Catfather Shirt

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Buy it:  The Catfather Shirt  look deeper past ego into his heart and you  The Catfather Shirt  will see a champion for the American people standing in the breech against Communist China which has been chosen by big money, Soros, Clinton Foundation. Bill Gates to be in charge of the New World. Freedom is at stake and your way of life! From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away Shirt

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Buy it:   Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away Shirt you do realize that the press and photographers follow every President? Do you not also see that he is there to try to help the Black Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away Shirt community? What is it you're not seeing? Only in the eyes of the Democrats. We were all doing well before the China virus which is not on him! Obama let our Country’s supply be depleted and never replaced after the Hurricanes From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - Official Black Father Shirt

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Buy it:  Official Black Father Shirt  got a grip on this country the same Official Black Father Shirt way it got a grip on every other country. It was released in Muhan China on unsuspecting people, who then traveled back to their home countries and it began spreading like wildfire. China covered this up for at least a month and sources say probably three months. As soon as President Trump knew what was going on he started implementing strategies to try and stoo the spread. But since it was already here, probably since November, there really was nothing he could do. So WHY exactly are you trying to blame one man, when there were dozens of rich elite people behind this virus? Its provwn that it was developed in a lab IN CHINA, owned by Bill Gates. So how is it Trump's fault? From:  shop funny shirt 

xonershirt - My Favorite Player Calls Me Dad Shirt

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